These DVDs are appropriate for anyone who has had a fall or is afraid they might fall, anyone who uses a walker or cane, those who have difficulty walking and even folks who must remain seated. And they are wonderful for people who just want to improve their balance. These DVDs are suitable for those who are hearing or sight impaired.
Building Better Balance prevents falls
- Falls impact how long you can remain living independently. Many seniors have to move from their own home to a group residence because of having falls.
- Falls have the potential for significantly changing your quality of life in addition to the physical injuries that often result because...
- Falls increase our fear of falling again which leads to reduced activity and increase in fall related risk.
- Even though falls often occur without warning, there is much that can be done to reduce tumbles. The single most effective way to reduce falls is to develop a regular physical activity routine. If fear of falling is a factor, then balance training is a very sensible activity to include.
How are these balance class DVDs different?
Captions are included throughout the DVDs that help you to do the exercises correctly. I spent many hours developing these hundreds of captions so that you would be able to both see and hear what is important about each movement.
What others say:
One student with advanced arthritis mistakenly stepped into a drop off living room and did not fall or injure herself! She attributes this success to studying balance with me.
After teaching some of the simple Building Better Balance lower back exercises at a luncheon presentation, one of the attendees came up to me to say that the exercises had caused his lower back pain to disappear! The other 7 gents at his table experienced the same thing!
A student of Building Better Balance at 90: "Last week I had to go to my doctor for a stress test and was on the treadmill. I just started rolling through the feet (like you teach us) and kept on walking. The doctor eventually told me to stop. I could have gone on another 30 minutes. Walking has become so easy." At a later meeting, his doctor said that he had never seen another patient perform better on a stress test! The walking technique this gentleman used on the treadmill is taught in the Legs & Feet DVD.
Another student has on bone arthritis of the knee. It takes her 40 seconds of extreme pain to straighten that knee out in the morning. She began doing my delightful knee exercise before getting up. Immediately she had NO PAIN upon standing! This is one of the techniques used throughout the Building Better Balance DVDs.
How a retirement community was affected by the Building Better Balance DVD series during the COVID-19 pandemic: The remarkable story of how consistent use of only the BBB DVDs affected a number of residents in Sonoma County, California. Read "Building Better Balance Pandemic Success".