Detailed articles on the challenges we face as we get older, all written by Vanessa Kettler. Subjects include specific recommendations for problems like chronic pain, dealing with difficult feelings, how to get rid of leg cramps, arthritis of the knee, how to reduce inflammation and the effects of inactivity. New articles are added frequently.
Over 100 articles written by Vanessa Kettler.
Recent additions to BALANCE NEWS:
The New Older:
We're Still Falling: Dancing in Britain 2024: Anxiety in 2024: Exploring Why We Fall: Walking 101: Managing Nerve Pain Stress: When Emotion Endangers Us: Emotion Stimulated by Thought: Neuropathy and Balance: Arthritis and Joint Health: Feeling Unsteady: Stop Having Falls: Obesity: Food As Reward: The Hip Hinge: Leg Lessons: |
What being older can mean today.
So many fall. How do we stop it? Dancing in the UK on vacation. Heat waves, politics and aging. Learning from our experiences. Reduce falls by walking deftly. WNA article on reducing anxiety. Protect yourself emotionally. Overwhelming feelings. 8 ways to improve balance. Improve joint function. We all feel unstable often. Simple changes = no more falls. Updated comprehensive analysis. One reason obesity is so common. Essential for lower back health. Taking care of our legs when older. Choosing a senior living facility.
The future is grim unless... Using Dance Studios Across the UK. |
Perspectives that enable change.
The root of all illness. Reducing its effects. The basics. The solution for our times. The physical affects the mental. Changing chronic tension reflex. So self defeating yet so common. We are our own worst enemy. We live in difficult times. Deflecting political anxiety. |
Fall Prevention:
How to Prevent Having Falls:
Fear of Falling: Conscious Walking: Getting Up After A Fall: How to Fall: Common Falls: Stop Having Falls: Fall Prevention Tips: What Really Causes Falls: Contributing Factors: Watch Out in Parking Lots: Professional Advice That Backfires: Prevent Client Falls: Sense of Touch Improves Balance: |
Overall review of fall prevention.
Are you afraid of falling? Stop having falls while walking. Basic advice on how to get up. If you do fall, here's how to do it. Concise advice for common falls. Simple changes = no more falls. Comprehensive tips. Sudden and unexpected events. Details common to many falls. Parking lots are dangerous. Don't make things worse. Especially for caregivers. Tips to improve stability. |
The Solution:
Make yourself well via exercise.
Simple steps to well being. How to start an exercise program. Too valuable to ignore. Exercises to get you started. Finally getting it started. Restarting after an interruption. Fundamental rule of the torso. Sculpt your life from now on. The incredible benefits of practice. Important NYTimes reporting. |
The Essentials:
The best way to relieve anxiety.
For those with asthma, etc. Dissolve chronic tension easily. The best COVID-19 protection. The root of all illness. Modern life creates stress. Get centered when all else isn't. Changing chronic tension reflex. Releasing chronic facial tension. Simple moves, profound changes. Yes you can! Excellent & easy. Simple warm ups for those older. |
Common Problems:
Hand Health:
Hand Elocution: Rotator Cuff Injuries: Intense Shoulders: Neck Problems: Develop Leg Fitness: Knees That Hurt: Stop Leg Cramps: Feeling Unsteady: Getting Suddenly Dizzy: Nervous System Health: Obesity: The Mighty Core: Abdominals: Guidelines for a Healthy Spine: Anatomy of the Spine: Lower Back Insight: |
Increase strength, reduce pain.
Improve finger/wrist agility. Heal rotator cuff injuries. Releasing shoulder/neck tension. Remedies for a hurting neck. So important if you are older. Relieve knee stiffness and pain. Get rid of leg cramps. We all feel unstable often. Stabilize your balance. Key to many issues of aging. Causes + a foolproof diet. Strengthen the core, reverse aging. The most essential core element. Reduce pain, improve health. Basic info + use of dermatomes. Reduce lower spine inflammation. |
All About Walking:
An overview.
Stop having falls while walking. Avoid stiffness and leg cramps. Wonderful way to walk. Most use them incorrectly. Navigating going up or down. Do not look down. Keep the head upright if possible. The single most important thing. Avoiding problems. How to care for your feet. Improving foot health. |
Symptom Reduction:
Reduce Chronic Symptoms:
Chronic Pain: ARTHRITIS: Information About Arthritis: Arthritis and Joint Health: Arthritis and Exercise: NEUROPATHY: Balance Techniques That Help: Managing Nerve Pain Stress: Sense of Touch Improves Balance: Exercise to Improve Proprioception: Exercise for Foot Neuropathy: Exercise for Hand Neuropathy: PARKINSON'S: Information About Parkinson's: Exercises for Parkinson's: |
For any condition.
Reduce pain effectively. Arthritis symptom reduction. Remedies and recommendations. Improve joint function. Exercise's unique role. Neuropathy symptom reduction. Improve balance with neuropathy. WNA article with excellent tips. Tips to improve stability. Improve the senses in hands/feet. Important for everyone. Excellent suggestions. Parkinson's symptom reduction. Remedies for Parkinson's. Improve focus & flexibility. |
Attitudes About Aging:
Inactivity is.
Worst for our health. The mind is devious about exercise. Delayed reactions cause trouble. Why doesn't everyone exercise? Perspectives that enable change. We block ourselves from health. We are our own worst enemy. Be afraid, be very afraid. Stiffness causes illness. |
How Our Feelings Affect Aging:
Differences between these 3.
Heal from unyielding depression. Great practical advice. Learn to be responsible with it. Stress is very bad for your health. Worry is self defeating. Much about modern life is toxic. Rid yourself of political toxicity. Resolve past emotional trauma. |
Dealing with the COVID-19 Pandemic:
How Balance DVDs Helped.
Structure makes life meaningful. The challenges of living alone. Living together under stress. Making lemonade out of lemons. Misleading news in 2023. |
The Building Better Balance DVDs have been developed to help you deal with many of the challenges of the aging process that most of us feel daunted by. The DVD classes teach you how to not only improve your balance but also to reduce the symptoms that come with aging: stiffness, weakness, loss of stability not to mention loss of self confidence. The classes are entertaining and so informative that they are worth the price even if you never do the exercises. Take a chance and order these. You will be so happy you did. You'll feel better and be able to do more. The aging process will become one of improvement instead of decline.