Tension where you need it (core),
Not where you don't (lower back, shoulders & neck).
We are tense in places that are destructive to our health while we don't have the motivation to tighten the areas that help us the most. Sitting too much is the main problem.
Tension we don't need: Chronic tension is endemic to our body as we age for so many reasons. Old injuries, pain, chronic conditions like arthritis, stress and most of all inactivity cause our muscles and joints to be stiff. We notice it mostly in the lower back, neck and backs of the legs. That tension in turn causes problems throughout the body as the spine and root nerves become affected. We have problems with our feet. We get painful leg cramps. We have back pain and we have difficulty walking.
Tightness we do need: In addition to the muscle tightness and stiffness that most of us feel as we age is that our core becomes weak. Because our core is weaker, the stress of movement goes directly to the spinal joints which have become fragile for other reasons. The support our body needs is not there. It becomes much harder to do anything.
Tension we don't need: Chronic tension is endemic to our body as we age for so many reasons. Old injuries, pain, chronic conditions like arthritis, stress and most of all inactivity cause our muscles and joints to be stiff. We notice it mostly in the lower back, neck and backs of the legs. That tension in turn causes problems throughout the body as the spine and root nerves become affected. We have problems with our feet. We get painful leg cramps. We have back pain and we have difficulty walking.
Tightness we do need: In addition to the muscle tightness and stiffness that most of us feel as we age is that our core becomes weak. Because our core is weaker, the stress of movement goes directly to the spinal joints which have become fragile for other reasons. The support our body needs is not there. It becomes much harder to do anything.
So we are tense throughout the body except where we need it most.
The result is that we become stiff, weak and often in pain. The sad part of this predicament is that we attribute it to the natural consequence of aging. ALL OF IT IS PREVENTABLE. We simply have to do something about it. If we do nothing, it means that the effects of the aging process have a more profound effect on us. We get older faster. But there is a great deal we can do about it and the potential outcomes bear benefits beyond our dreams.
What can we do about it?
Release the tension we don't need: Develop the ability to release using gentle joint circling exercises while stretching wherever you feel tension.
- Lower back: Use the hip joints instead of the back joints.
- Shoulders and neck: Stretch the trapezius, increase neck range of motion.
- Upper chest: Stretch pectorals and release sternoclavicular joints.
- Back of the legs: Stretch the calves and hamstrings.
- Face: Concentrate on relaxing facial muscles while engaging core muscles.
Replace it with tension developed in other muscle groups: This kind of tension is a good tension. It can ultimately benefit us beyond our aspirations. Tension that we need:
- Abdominals: Do 3 sets of abdominals per day by simply pulling your belly in and releasing 8 times per set.
- Upper back: Strengthen the muscles between the shoulder blades by bringing your shoulders together and down away from your ears.
- Pelvic floor & Gluteals: Kegel exercises are excellent for strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor. Strengthen your gluts by squeezing your butt muscles. The Kegel link below is from the National Association For Continence (NAFC). It explains how to do Kegel exercises and why they are important.