Articles written by Vanessa Kettler are cataloged on the Dancer News page of this website. While these articles are featured in the following newsletters, the newsletters themselves contain much more information including related recommendations.
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Just Dancing 3:
Just Dancing 2: Just Dancing: Dancing in Britain 2: Bellydance Danger: Hand Elocution: How do you get to Carnegie Hall? The Duke Ellington Pieces: Sense of Touch Improves Balance: Belly Dance as Art: Taking Care of Your Lower Back: Essential Alignments: Cancer Discovery Recovery: Training Consciously: |
On the Town with Gene Kelly.
West Side Story. Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. 2024 trip to UK dance studios. Why hyperextension is perilous. Hand use clarity improves dance. Practice as a great life lesson. Vanessa's virtual performances. How touch makes dance better. The first Vivid virtual performance. Vital for all belly dancers. Fundamentals make a difference. Ma*Shuqa Mira Murjan's writings. Belly dance without injury. |
Published June 1, 2023.
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Updates are ongoing.